Saturday, October 28

Quote from a film I saw.
I think it means different things to me
and different things in the film.
I want good people to be lucky
why does it have to be either or?
I like the film but it makes me sad
for a million reasons.
You guys should watch it.


Blogger this is me said...

I'm not particularly lucky, though I want to be. I do believe that things don't need to be either or because it really linmits you. But it's only an ideal world where you have your cake and eat it too.

30/10/06 6:19 am  
Blogger Ankur Betageri said...

Is the movie called Match Point?

13/11/06 8:28 am  
Blogger Chamki said...

Yes Ankur.

13/11/06 8:41 am  

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